US President Donald Trump swears that tariffs will create jobs

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The President of the United States (USA) Donald Trump talked with reporters on Tuesday, repeating his insistence that his administration’s tariff proposals boost government income, create jobs and intuitively lower taxes, three key elements of the entire government’s commercial policy, which tend to move in opposite directions. Trump also repeated that the European Union (EU) was “unfair” to the US on commercial terms, although Donald Trump categorically refuses the exact details of this claim.

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Mexico and Canada accelerated it very much.

We have made a lot of progress in Ukraine. We are conducting deep talks with Russia and Ukraine and goes well.

Making great progress in the Middle East.

Russia and Ukraine will meet at the sea suspension of weapons.

Other countries are involved in the process of monitoring weapon suspension.

Tomorrow is another business advertisement.

The EU Freeel was leading and is terrible to trade.

I was very sincere in tariffs.

On April 2, the tariffs are “set”.

Prices of gasoline, eggs and foodstuffs fall.

Tariffs will create more jobs.


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